YOU ARE INDESTRUCTIBLE The scripture says, "Except a seed of corn goes to the ground and die, it abides alone" Jn 12:24. The seed when it goes to the ground it gets the best opportunity to become useful in its possible way and become greater than it was when it went in. The soil is always a place of it to maximize its potentials. So even if an enemy tries to silent it by burying it, they end up putting it in the right prospective to become better and greater. Before the seed goes into the ground it abides alone, unproductive, inactive, unfruitfull, etc but when it goes into the soil, everything changes. The seed begins to do well, it begins to germinate, grow, produce and becomes very great. It produces many of its kind. You are a seed because you are born of God's incorruptible seed, "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever". I Peter 1:23. ...