Jesus gave himself for us as a ransom so that we may have the right kind of life that God has ordained for us before the foundation of the world. What kind of life is it that we are talking about? It is His “Good life” (GOODNESS).

David said, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…” [Psalm 23:6a]

 The word, ‘surely’ in Psalm 23:6 means, ‘certainly’. It’s 100% guaranteed. It is undisputable that God’s goodness and mercies will always be there with you.

When God promises us that goodness and mercies will follow us all the days of our lives, it means every day, in our entire or whole life that what will continually be with us are His goodness and mercy. This is our portion in Christ.

What is goodness?
 Goodness in this verse means “a life filled with good things, beauty, and favour.” It also means fortune, riches, abundance prosperity or wealth. No wonder Jesus said, “But I came so that my sheep will have life and so that they will have everything they need”. (John 10:10). GOD'S WORD Translation.

Now; haven established what goodness is, we need to understand that God also want us to have His mercy abiding with us all through life.

What is mercy?
Mercy means kindness, compassion, and unfailing love. The Lord has promised us in his word, “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you.” Isaiah 54:10. Glory, hallelujah!!!!! Beloved his unfailing love for you is eternal.

It’s very important that we understand that the promise of God's goodness and unfailing love does not mean a challenge free life, however, because the rock that bears us never fails neither is there shadow of turning with Him, we are not consumed by challenges; rather in every challenge we are able to come out victoriously. For God will always work all things out for our good. [Romans 8:28]

The “all things” which God causes to work together for our ultimate good also includes challenges, the attacks that Satan brings our way to want to destroy us of which God turns to our good and glorificationglorification

Anyone who are GRACED in GOODNESS & MERCY can never remain the same  as He  turns their mourning into Joy,  Poverty turns to Prosperity, Sickness becomes Divine health, darkness becomes light,  Praying becomes easy & Thanksgiving becomes sweet.

Certainly, no one encounters GRACE and remains the same. Anyone says they are In Christ & has not changed after encountering GRACE then it was’nt GRACE they met.


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