"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." Psalm 139:11.
God is a great Designer he has designed you so uniquely and made you valuable, thus your tremendous worth is more than you can imagine.
You are not a mistake, you are not inferior, you are a special specie made to reveal the glory of God and to glorify Him.
You are not ordinary, you are more than who you see in the mirror, you are so precious and valuable, you are God's unique child made in the image and likeness of God. You are loaded, yes so loaded with greatness: thus GREATNESS IS IN YOU.
God has created us in such wisdom, power, and glory, the only proper response we can give to him is to appreciate who we are and praise, honour and glorify His name.
Therefore no matter the situations that may be surrounding you, just stay positive and refuse to allow it to cast you down knowing who you are and whose you are. For God is with you and He is not only seeing where you are right now, He sees and knows where you will be. Therefore trust your future to Him and he will bring you into a glorious ending. Remember His "Plans for you are for good and not of evil to prosper you and to bring you into a perfect end" Jere. 29:11.
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