Elizabeth Iyadi Abaye

 “The Lord JEHOVAH has done these things for me in the days in which he regarded me to take away my reproach among the children of men” Luke 1:25. 

Sometimes when one is going through challenges, it seems as though you are forsaken by God. But God does not and can never forsake his own,  there is always a time of remembrance, a period when the Lord looks upon you with favour and begin to bring into your life His uncommon blessings.

It is a time when the Lord says enough to the manipulations and reproaches of the wicked ones, a season when he says no more misfortune.

Certainty situations are never forever for those who are rooted in Christ Jesus, those who call upon him day and night for surely he will arise and avenge their case in the day of his visitation.

In the days wherein he will looked on them with a favourable eye, with a look of love and mercy thus He will remove shame and disgrace. 

When this was done to  Elizabeth, she exclaimed  “Thus the Lord has done for me in the days when he looked on me, to take away my reproach among people.” (ESV). You are next in line because you will also experience the day of the Lord's visitation and will sing a new song unto the Lord and will have joy overflow.....

        In Genesis 50:25, the scripture Joseph spoke concerning God's visitation on His people in Egypt, “And Joseph took an oath of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence.”

          God’s visitation is the manifestation of the presence, and influence of God in any situation, or life of an individual, or a group of people, which results into a remarkable change leading to liberation, advancement, and blessings.  

 The Israelites of Old suffered a lot of afflictions and sorrows in the hands of Pharaoh and Egyptians. But God’s intervention/visitation in their situation resulted into a series of miraculous changes in their lives leading to their liberation, deliverance, and blessings. Therefore, beloved, I do not know the ugly or unwanted situation you may have encountered in your life and you earnestly desire the visitation of the Lord.

It may be that you are going through difficulties in your career, or marriage, or academics, even in your finances; whatever is the ugly situation, do not despair, be hopeful, because that same God Who visited them, is still available to visit you. he s your heavenly father who cares about your well being. Therefore cheer up, lift up those feeble hands, be courageous for your deliverance s nearer than you could imagine or think

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