Jeremiah 4:3, “Break up your fallow ground, And do not sow among thorns."

Just like farmers have to prepare the ground to bear fruit, we must prepare ourselves to receive from God this year. We must be ready for greater glory.

The expression, “Break up your fallow ground" means, to prepare your minds to bring forth fruit unto God. To break off your bad habits; clear junks from your hearts, work on your attitude, take away hatred, bitterness, lust, and greed. These are thorns that has been chocking your seeds, preventing them from germinating, and growing to maturity to producing fruits.

In our passage, Jeremiah makes the people to understand that if they do not "Break up their fallow ground
They will be sowing among thorns." In other words, they will sow seed, but because they didn't bother to prepare the soil and pull out the thorns, the seed will have little or no effect. 

You can't keep being the same person year in year out nor doing things same way and expect a different result, you must change yourself and your approach towards life. Sowing amongst thorns significance struggle, You have struggled enough, take away the things that will Chock your efforts and you'll experience bountiful harvest. 

Secondly, fallow ground could also be untapped potentials. We need to take advantage of the hidden treasures of our potentials, tap into its resources. There's so much in us that has not yet been broken into, and we need to break them up if we want to do exploits this year. 

Thus you have to stop dreaming and start doing, stop procrastinating, stop wasting your years expecting heaven to fall manner, it is time to put your potential to work. Break up your fallow ground.


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