“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever." [Revelation 11:15].

What is “THE KINGDOM OF OUR GOD” in this passage? This is the reign and rule of God, it is God having influence – power – control and dominion in the life of his people.

Jesus brought into our lives the power and glories of the kingdom of God. Thus it is written, “But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you..” [Matt. 12:28]. The song writer wrote, "heaven came down and glory fills my soul......" Yes we can sing that song over and over again because heaven has filled our longing soul with glory and rest.

Beloved of God, let it be known to you that Heaven came  in the person of our LORD Jesus Christ and dwelt in us that He may cause us to live out the kingdom life here on earth. Whenever heaven comes down upon ones life it brings about goodness, favour, joy, peace, rest and glory.....

Jesus brought in joy were there was sorrow, He brought us release from our pains and anguish. He brought healing where there were afflictions, sicknesses and deceases, and where there was death and mourning He gave life and laughter. Surely He brought peace and goodwill of God to men, he brought the kingdom of heaven down on earth, thus God's kingdom has come to bring His will for us into manifestation in our lives. “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven” [Matt. 6: 10].

From the moment you became a child of God, there was a change of power over your life. Your life became the possession of our LORD and of His Son MESSIAH thus the reign of the kingdom took over your entire life. And He shall reign forever and ever over.

  God's presence that have come into your life have ushered in the reign of God, bringing you out of every form of bondage into the glorious life of liberty in Christ. Because the kingdom of our LORD and of his MESSIAH has come into your life, you are eternally positioned in Christ to reign in  this life.

God who is the King of your life has come into it to finally vanquish, overpower, annihilate, thrash, extinguish, exterminate, and totally wipe out his adversaries and its works from your life.

 The reign and rule of God is over your life, his dominion has come upon you, and all that concerns you. The way God has destined things to be, will be the way things would be; for “The kingdom of God is in you.”

By the entrance of the kingdom rule into your life; a new era has begun in your life and destiny. It is the era of PEACE, for he is your peace. It is the era of JOY and CELEBRATION for he has given you the oil of gladness and has turned your mourning into dancing. It is the era of the revelation of his glory in your life for he has given you beauty for ashes. 

Therefore I decree that from now onward the way things are in your life and in all that concerns you, will be the way God has destined them to be. In Jesus name, Amen.


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