When they came to the oasis of Marah, the water was too bitter to drink. So they called the place Marah (which means "bitter"). Ex. 15:23

The Israelites having journeyed for days without water in the wilderness was exhausted. The entire area is a wilderness and no water. Suddenly there is hope, they see water before them.

On sight of the river, after three days of thirst, they heaped a sigh of relief. At last there is water before them...

 Oh how joyous they must have been to find a relief.... But wait a second, their joy quickly turned sour, the blessing of the water was not what they expected, it is a bitter water. The only water turned to be “bitter”; bitter is form the Hebrew word for “marah”.

Their joy turned to sorrow, their soul was in pains, "how could God do this to them", they must have thought. They all complained and murmured as a result of the bitter water. This showed that their hopes were dashed. They would need to walk another distance to get water, oh how frustrating and huge disappointment it must have been.

 In the midst of their pains, confusions, and bitterness, God stepped into the situation and did what he knows how to do best. "MIRACLE" "TRANSFORMATION" "RENEWAL" Thus he turned bitterness to sweetness.... And the bitter water was transformed and made sweet. That which was not right was made right.

Many of us have walked a long distance with the Lord expecting something good, miracles, good health, financial increase, enlargement, business breakthroughs, success in ministry, however, at the point when you thought something great that will bring about a testimony, a turn around, a relief from all your toiling is about to breakforth, then, suddenly, things turned bad,  not what you expected, it tuned to be a huge disappointment and brought you bitterness.

Many have found no hopes anymore. Many have believed in God’s word for several years, or His promises, only to come to a place of discouragement due to issues of life.

Now hope is dashed, faith is weakened, you can't seem to have the courage to pray, today the GOD that stepped into Israel's situation is stepping into yours and he is doing what He did in the old. He is touching your life and turning every pain, every sorrow, every bitterness to sweetness.

Oh yes child of God, I tell you there is hope. The Lord is turning your bitterness into sweetness. He is granting you refreshment on every side. Therefore don’t give up, you will metamorphose  from bitterness to sweetness.

TODAY, I declare that all your bitterness, disappointments, confusions, near-success-syndrome have come to an end in Jesus name, Amen!


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