Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:17 (ESV).

God has a will for your life; your whole life has been settled in heaven before you were conceived. You are not here by chance; there is a “WILL”, there is always a “WILL”. You have been per-destined by God. It is important that you discover what His will is for you and be totally dedicated to that will and reign in life.

What is the WILL of God?
The will of God is His divine purpose or plan. It is what God has determined to be done or what God wants us to do. It is the concept of God having a plan for humanity, and desiring to see this plan fulfilled. God’s divine will is absolutely in contrast to the human will.

In Matthew 6:10 Jesus ask us to pray for the Father's WILL, "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Jesus through this prayer of God’s will being done, has revealed to us the need to desire to know God's will and the secret of living in the fullness of God’s perfect will for us. 

For us to enjoy God's perfect will for us we must engage in an intimate relationship with Him, we must seek His divine help through prayer and fellowship with Him. The place of intimacy will position you to knowing and  keying into God’s perfect will for you.

Furthermore when we pray, “Thy will be done on earth (in our life) as it is in heaven” We are praying for something that has not yet happen in our life as ordained by the Lord to happen. We are praying that God will bring about His heavenly plans for us into manifestation and that God would use us to fulfil that will of His for us. Moreso, we are making ourselves available for the fulfilment of God’s perfect will for us.

When Jesus was on earth, He was always in the center of the Father’s will. He was always at the right place at the right time doing the will of the Father. Jesus did not fulfill this using His divine power, He relied solely upon the power of the Holy Spirit who supplied Him with grace to accomplish His divine mandate. Jesus is therefore our perfect model to follow in our relationship with our heavenly Father, thus we must follow His leading and footsteps.

If you are not walking in the will of God for your life, you may never be able to make impact on the people that God has destined for you to impact their life positively and change their lives for the better and you may never add value to the world and leave a legacy behind. Therefore pray that His will be done in your life that you may find  real joy and fulfillment.

As God’s chosen people, we must live our lives in the center of God’s will. Hence we need to be equipped with His enabling grace to accomplish all that He has willed us to be. 

So do you feel dissatisfied or unsettled with your life? Then you have to pray for the Lord’s will which has been settled in heaven before the foundation of the world, to be done in your life here on earth. Praying for God’s will for your life is asking Him to bring about that which He has designed you for to visible manifestation on earth as is ordained in heaven. 

Secondly, it is asking for God's intervention in your life and thirdly, it is asking Him to give you the enabling grace to accomplish all that He has purposed you to do. Paul says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Phil. 4:13. Certainly you can only be able to achieve God’s will for your life through His empowerment of grace. May the will of God be done in your life in Jesus name, Amen.

*FOR MORE INFO CONTACT US @ Elizabeth Abaye media outreach........* E-mail awakemove@gmail.com
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