Jesus gave this parable "that men ought always to pray, and not faint;" Luke 18:1.

esus never told us that when we ask that God will say no to some and yes to some, but he said, “Whatsoever you ask in my name, that will I do” John 14:13. Similarly, John in his epistle in 1John 5:15 says, “Whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petition that we desire of himTherefore beloved, you need to reopen those requests you have given up on and persevere if you know it is the will of God.
We should never give up on God and resign ourselves to what is happening to us. We must pray until God turns our situation around for his glory. God is not an unjust judge, if we do not faint in prayers but persevere by faith, he will surely answer us at the fullness of time. Fullness of time or appointed time is not man’s timing but God’s set time. As we know God’s ways are not our ways and his appointed time is not same as ours. Isaiah 55:8.

There is a set time for everyone, when your set time comes no power can stop the word of God concerning you from manifesting. God is not bound by man’s time; he has set a time and he works in line with his set time, he will always do things that he might be glorified. Therefore we must wait until our change comes, until he makes us a praise and a name. Jesus said, “Tarry in Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). Instead of fainting in prayers, we are to tarry, wait, keep watch until our change come. Job said, “All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change comes.” Job 14:14.

          When we wait upon the Lord, we will surely receive more than our request for God is able, yes, He is more than able to give us beyond our request. As it is written, “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to his power that worketh in us” Eph. 3:20. The word EXCEEDING means beyond, above, more than, greater than, higher than, and surpassing. The word ABUNDANTLY means, richly, lavishly, in large quantities, plentifully, and bountifully.

So what is Paul saying? He is saying God is able to do beyond, more than, superabundantly, and far above our request. What is that dream, that desire, that hope, that vision that you have given up on, you need to return back to the blue print and make your request known to God. Secondly he is saying, God’s Spirit power that dwells in you is working. The Holy Spirit is not in our life to be dormant but is there to perfect all that concerns us. He is actively working in accordance to God’s good will for us.

Perhaps you have prayed over and over again concerning your some things in your life, family, marriage, business, career, etc and you have given up because the answer is not yet come, beloved you must not lose heart for God is able. Yes he is more than able to accomplish what concerns you, he answers prayer if we do not faint nor lose heart. Therefore arise from your slumber and behave like the widow in our parable and persevere until your answers come.



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