Elizabeth I Abaye

 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John 1:14 KJV

John said, "They beheld his glory" in order words, with their eyes they saw the glory of God in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. Child of God I tell you, What you see and experience, no one takes its memory from you.... It sticks with you and it keeps your faith active and strong.

Christianity is not in theory but something to be experienced in our lives, she is a living organism that showcases the manifestations of the goodwill of God in the life of His children. He told us in Isaiah 43:7,  Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.

Beloved understand that you and I are created for the manifestations of the glory of God and thus it is evident that through us the world will see the reality of God's glory.

Therefore, it important that the believer experience God's glory in his or her life through their enjoying his goodness and blessings. "For He satisfies the longing soul, And fills the hungry soul with goodness."* Psalm 107:9 (NKJV)

We need to see His glory everywhere around us.... In our homes, in our relationships, in our businesses, in our health, in our finances.

When Jesus was visibly on earth many saw Him but not all that saw Him was able to behold his glory, it was only few that stuck to him..... 

 Truly many are in the church but do not know nor experience the Christ of the church and His glory. Such people dwell in religion instead of in the fellowship of His glory and honor.

It is not enough to be a part of the church, but to enjoy all the privileges she offers. One of such is to experience his glory in one's lives, to experience heaven in their lives, to live out the word of God

Don't be a sit and look, but be a sign and a wonder. Isaiah said, Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. Isaiah 8:18 KJV

That prophesy wasn't for Isaiah but for Christ and His Church. We are for signs and wonders to our generation. Thus it is important that you be a part of those that will a sign and a wonder to your generation.

Indeed Many are called but only few are chosen (Matthew 22:14). Strive to be among the chosen ones, be among those who are reflectors of His glory on earth, stop waiting until you die before you can enter into your glory, it is here and now that you need to enter into it. For you and I have been called to glory and virtue (Excellence) now not when we die  (See 2 Peter 1:3)

Moreover you are born again in Christ Jesus to show forth his praises on earth 2Peter 2:9,  and we know that "The dead cannot sing praises to the Lord , for they have gone into the silence of the grave. Psalms 115:17 NLT
When you experience or behold his glory in your life.

*FOR MORE INFO CONTACT US @ Elizabeth Abaye media outreach........* E-mail awakemove@gmail.com
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