Elizabeth Iyadi Abaye

 “And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows.” Exodus 3:7* 

Most times when people are faced with situations they wonder if God is aware of what they are going through or if He does care or if He is hearing all their cries and prayers?

 Some even go as far as wondering if God is really there? Today we can see the Lord who comforted and helped His people of old in all their affliction informing us that He is seeing all that we are going through, He is hearing our cries, He knows all our sorrows and pains and certainly, He will take care of things for us.

Beloved, in all the challenges you are going through, be rest assured that _God Sees, God Knows, and he Hears your groans_ and he will fix them for you. He will do something about them all as you continue to call upon Him for it is written, *“When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears.” (PS. 34:17)* 

You are not alone in that situation, Yeshua is with you. He is familiar with all that you are going through. He sees you in your secret chambers when you cry and wet your pillows with tears. He knows your disappointments, frustrations and rejections. He is touched with the feeling of your infirmities because He has been there.

 Remember God sent His Son who once suffered as it is said of Him, "A Man of Sorrows, and familiar with suffering" (Isaiah 53:3) as a result He is able to help you in all your sufferings.

Knowing that God knows all our afflictions, let us therefore not be discourage but rather come before His throne of grace and obtain mercy and grace, let us come and receive the help that we need, let us come and lay our burdens upon Him knowing that He cares so much for us and He will graciously help us and deliver us and bring an end to all our pains and sorrows for though “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning”*

Truly child of God, You shall obtain joy and gladness of heart in Him and sighing will be no more.


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