….They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Thy house and you shall make them drink of the river of your pleasure” Psalm 36:8.

This scripture is talking to a particular set of people not to everybody, for God’s blessings of grace is for His heritage, His church, and His people. Thus those who are to be “abundantly satisfied with the fatness of His house” are the saints, those who have embraced the Lord Jesus. They are those who hold forth the word of truth uncompromisingly. They are the people that put their total trust in the Lord.

In our heavenly father’s house there are abundance, yes! There is more than enough for everyone. He has provision for all his children; none is to lack anything good.  Those who learn to depend on, rely on, lean on, or put their trust in Him also share in the provision laid up therein.

God wants the best for us thus he gives us the best, “The fatness of His house”. He abundantly satisfies the hunger (desires) of His children, He quenches their thirst and meets their every need; therefore we do not dwell in perpetual want and lack, rather we dwell in continuous abundance of His supply.

The psalmist said, “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God…..” [Psalm 46:4]. From this stream, God’s people continue to have not just sufficiency but overflow. Although this river continues to flow and minister abundance, yet it never runs dry.

Who is this fountain that never runs dry? He is in the person of our Lord Jesus, for he is the fountain of life that flows everywhere and whosoever that drinks shall never, ever thirst again.

In John 10:10 Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." Jesus is life himself, thus He gives us both spiritual and physical life. But He does not only give us life, He also abundantly fills our homes and store houses with His blessings.

Experiencing life in Christ brings you into the grace whereby you experience His abundant life; spiritually, materially and otherwise. Hence you experience His fullness of blessings on a regular basis: consequently, rejoicing in the grace He offers God never planned or proposed that you simply exist. 

He never intended that you live out your days on this earth in defeat, frustration, worry and rage. His intention for you is that you have good life, fruitfulness, riches, wealth, divine health, joy, peace, and “abundant life”.

What Satan is using to rob people of their right to experience abundant life is religion. Religion is nothing more than a mock, counterfeit, an imitation of the real thing. That which God offers us is relationship and not religion. Therefore beyond religion, is a relationship that will bring us into the realm of Christ abundance.

Wherefore dearly beloved, are you in any kind of need, come to the river of God and draw and you shall be “abundantly satisfied”. Are you afflicted, distressed, tormented, or aggrieved come and draw and you will find deliverance, healing and rest to your soul.


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