GRACE UPON GRACE Book (Second Edition) https://www.amazon.com/GRACE-UPON-ELIZABETH-IYADI-ABAYE-ebook/dp/B09297PQ5F/ref=pd_ybh_a_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=YMR3CG8QFXMPYGM2VJES Elizabeth Iyadi Abaye has rolled out the second edition of her best selling book GRACE UPON GRACE With more details added to it, you can be sure of experiencing great Grace and so much more while going through the book. In the book, Elizabeth said, "Having experienced much of God's unfailing love and grace in my life, I am confident to say that no believer can exist or survive outside of God's grace". _ The arm of flesh will always fail, but grace continues to stand out, keeping us strong and making us able to do all things. The place of grace in the lives of believers cannot be measured nor can its totality be exhausted. But one thing is certain; whatever we are, and whatever we are going to be and achieve in life is all the work of grace. It is grace from start to finish....