
Elizabeth Abaye MISSION TO INDIA

We experienced great grace in India missions as  Elizabeth Abaye  ministered in grace and power of the holy ghost God's word and prayers. They were life changing miracles, healings, deliverances, and salvation. To God alone we give all the glory.
*IS ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR GOD?*       By Elizabeth Abaye  This topic is a question which comes through many delay of God's promises,  when our expectations are not being made manifest, when our prayers seem not to be answered,  when all that around us shows hopelessness,  thus we begin to live in doubt of God's capability. There is no PROMISE too hard for the Lord to fulfil. No request too hard for him to respond to. Our text is taken from Gen. 18:14 and it reads,  *"Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, about this time next year, and Sarah shall have a son.”*  After Sarah heard the Lord promising Abraham again about their having their own child as promised she laughed. Oh! How many mocked and laughed in their heart like Sarah over the word of God when it is being proclaimed due to their prolonged expectations Yes Sarah laughed in her heart but God hard it  (See vs 12-14). How man
  SEASONS OF HARVEST.  We have been made to understand by the scriptures that there are times and seasons in a man's life.... "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven..... A  time to plant, and a time to harvest" Eccl. 3:1, 2  ". Certainly after planting we are expected to harvest and enjoy the benefits of our labour. It is our time, it's our season, it's our moments, our set time or appointed time of harvest...... for we have waited so long for this season. And nothing is stopping us from achieving this great era of harvest no matter what.  Jesus said, " Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest" (John 4:35) We must stop procrastinating and begin to harvest because the harvest is ready. The scriptures in Psalm 65:11 says, "You crown the y
YOU ARE INDESTRUCTIBLE The  scripture says,   "Except a seed of corn goes to the ground and die, it abides alone" Jn 12:24. The seed when it goes to the ground it gets the best opportunity to become useful in its possible way and become greater than it was when it went in. The soil is always a place of it to maximize its potentials. So even if an enemy tries to silent it by burying it, they end up putting it in the right prospective to become better and greater. Before the seed goes into the ground it abides alone,  unproductive, inactive, unfruitfull, etc but when it goes into the soil,  everything changes. The seed begins to do well,  it begins to germinate,  grow, produce and becomes very great. It produces many of its kind. You are a seed because you are born of God's incorruptible seed,  "Being  born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever". I Peter 1:23. T herefore  wha


YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR STORY In Philippians 4:6-7  Paul says, "Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." (NLT)  Alot of us live the worrying  kind of life, and in the place of worrying is where you find confusions, fear, unbelief, double mindedness, distraction etc.  One cannot think right in the place of worry. We can't commune with God in the place of worrying and so Paul admonished us to not worry but to  make our request known to God. This brings us again to what Jabez did...... Jabez had a situation at hand, He knew that his name was drenched in the word ‘pain’ and he wanted nothing to do with pains in his life anymore, he was done with it, wearied and tired of all the pains he has gone thru, he had experienced enough  pains, probl


GOD'S ENDURING MERCIES    “For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations"(Psalm 100:5).  Through this Psalm we have been reminded again of God's goodness and eternal love towards us. Indeed God is good, His nature is goodness,  His character is goodness, in and out of Him flows goodness. Yes God is good and all he does is good. Hallelujah!!! Also God's mercies endures forever. It flows from one generation unto another. God's mercies never ceases nor run dry. God’s mercy is not like the weather for It does not change with the seasons. God's mercy does not depend on you or on anything you may do. His mercy is so great and his love so free that it is truly infinite and everlasting. Through God's everlasting mercies, we drink from His well of goodness. Thus we can declare like David did, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house
  THE REIGN OF GOD IN BELEIVERS’ LIFE  “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever." [Revelation 11:15]. What is “THE KINGDOM OF OUR GOD” in this passage? This is the reign and rule of God, it is God having influence – power – control and dominion in the life of his people. Jesus brought into our lives the power and glories of the kingdom of God.   Thus it is written,   “But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you..” [Matt. 12:28].  The song writer wrote, "heaven came down and glory fills my soul......" Yes we can sing that song over and over again because heaven has filled our longing soul with glory and rest. Beloved of God, let it be known to you that Heaven came  in the person of our LORD Jesus Christ and dwelt in us that He may cause us to live out the kingdom life here on earth. Whenever heaven comes down upon ones life it brin