"Yea they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel." Psalm 78: 41. 

Over and over again the scriptures revealed about the greatness and mightiness of YAHWEH God. We read about Him doing marvellous things in the life and in the midst of His people.

We saw how He divided the red sea for His people to have passage and also use the same red sea to consume their enemies.

We also read about Him causing Abraham and Sarah to bear a son in their old age. Severally He arises against the enemies and gave victory to His people, but now we read in Psalm 78: 41 that the people limited Him.

The question now is, can God be limited? If so, how can He be limited?
Someone might say, God cannot be limited, it is impossible for God to be limited, yet we see the scripture telling us that the people limited God. How was it possible for them to limit God?

Psalm 78:22 tells us how the people limited God: “Because they believed not in God, and trusted not in His salvation."  Also in Mark 6:1-6 we were told that Jesus could not do many mighty works in His home town because the people limited Him through their unbelief. Therefore God can be limited from doing things in someone's life.

We limit God through UNBELIEF and DOUBT.
We limit God through NEGATIVE THOUGHTS.
We limit God by DISTRUSTING HIM.
We limit God through UNHOLY LIFESTYLES. God has declared that we His children must be holy unto Him. “Be ye holy for am holy”. 1Peter 1:16.

 However, when someone chooses to live in rebellion to God's word and abuse His grace they bring limitation to what He would have done in their lives.
Delay in life and destiny is caused by our limitation of God.

Why did it take God several years to bring the people of Israel into the Promised Land? Because they limited Him. It’s true that God is able  “ do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think..." (Eph. 3:20).

However, this Word can only be beneficial to us or be made real in our lives only if we do not limit Him. Thus God will perform His word if we stop limiting Him because God cannot lie, He watches over His word to perform it.
We all have a great future, but we cannot enter into it if we are limiting God. God gave the people of Israel all of Canaan, but they never did conquer all of it due to their limiting Him.

The devil and his agents are working round the clock looking for avenue to use and destroy us, and one out of his numerous ways is to make you and me to set up pillars of limitations.

Although we regularly pray and fast, yet, we turn around and set up limitations pillars which eventually become a barrier to our receiving the manifestations of our prayers.

Our limitation of God makes it look as though God does not answer prayers or that he is too weak to help His children. Nevertheless God indeed is a prayer answering God hence the psalmist declares “O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come.” Psalm 65:2.

Some people limit God to one who can only do some certain kind of things or little things and so they see some other needs as something too big for God, thus they are unable to trust Him for those things in their life.

Is God a God who is able to give you life and not able to sustain it? Is He a God who is able to cause you to be married and not able to give you children? Is He a God who is able to give you children and not able to provide for you the means to take care of them? Or is He a God who is able to bring you to a marriageable age and not cause you to be married?

 Assuredly God can do anything, anytime and anywhere. If God can bring you to it, He can also take you through it. In Genesis 18: 14 the Lord asked Abraham, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” Child of God, there is nothing too big for the Lord to do; for there is no shadow of turning with Him.

Furthermore, in Jeremiah 32:27 He throws the same question to us “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me? Recognizing His Sovereignty Jeremiah has this to say, “Ah, Lord GOD! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.” Jeremiah 32:17.

Certainly nothing is too hard for the Lord to do. No matter how heavy the needs maybe, or how difficult the challenge may seem, or how impossible things may appear, or how long it has been “with God all things are possible." He will always be glorified.


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