
Showing posts from January, 2015
PERSEVERANCE  IN   PRAYER 2 Jesus gave this parable "that men ought always to pray, and not faint;" Luke 18:1. J esus never told us that when we ask that God will say no to some and yes to some, but he said , “Whatsoever you ask in my name, that will I do” John 14:13. Similarly, John in his epistle in 1John 5:15 says, “Whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petition that we desire of him ” Therefore beloved, you need to reopen those requests you have given up on and persevere if you know it is the will of God.   We should never give up on God and resign ourselves to what is happening to us. We must pray until God turns our situation around for his glory. God is not an unjust judge, if we do not faint in prayers but persevere by faith, he will surely answer us at the fullness of time. Fullness of time or appointed time is not man’s timing but God’s set time. As we know God’s ways are not our ways and his appointed time is no
PERSEVERANCE  IN  PRAYER 1 Jesus gave this parable "that men ought always to pray, and not faint;" Luke 18:1.   In order word men are to keep on praying and not give up or lose heart.   Thus Jesus is simply saying to us; be perseverance, do not give up in prayer no matter how terrible things may seem to be, and no matter how hopeless it seems to wait for an answer from God, keep on praying because God Will surely answer.                 At the period when we pray and pray and pray and God seem not to show Himself, nor gives you no sense of His presence, no answer, and everything seemed like there were hopeless is the time when we faint and lose heart in prayers. If the widow in the parable had given up because the unjust judge had not yet granted her her request; she would have lost out. But rather the widow continued to go to the unjust judge until she eventually wears him out because of her continual coming.  This parable of the widow and t