GOOD OF THE LAND Elizabeth I. Abaye "If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land; Isaiah 1:19 NKJV God did not call us to a life of shame, reproach or lack and want but to inherit blessings. God want us to prosper in every area of our lives but He does not want us to live our lives in misplaced priorities Of a truth, material blessings are added bonus to our relationship with God. However, we must understand that our material and physical prosperity are hinged on our willingness to obey Him. We have been brought into the land of glory, prosperity, abundance, and honor, God chose us out of the world that we can enjoy His blessings on earth and reign in life. The scripture says "it is the good of the land" The Amplified versions refers to it as “the best of the land”; Oh yes, the best of the land is our portion in Christ Jesus. The good of the land refers to possessions, prosperity, fruitfulness and increase. It is God’s...