

DARKNESS HAS NO POWER OVER LIGHT And the light shines on in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out. John 1:5 There is no believer  who hasn't faced some kind of opposition or challenges in life. But however darkness tries to oppose us, our light is never put out as long as we stay in the one (Christ) who is the true light. The darkness in our text has to do with the devil and his evil works. He try to put out our light by his numerous attacks but Christ light in us outshines his darkness.  The truth is that darkness does not have the power to overcome nor put out light. It cannot stand before light. Darkness is always a deception which cannot stand before the truth of God's promises to us. Every believer can overcome any attack if he or she does not quit first, because Light triumphs over darkness. FOR MORE INFO CONTACT US @ Elizabeth Abaye media outreach........ E-mail Blog:


  CHOSEN AND APPOINTED. Child of God, it's important you know that you are more than who you see in the mirror, you need to realize just how special you are, and how much you are loved by your Father? Yes the heavenly father loves you so much that he is ever willing to take you to the next level. People may have laughed at you and talked you down, they may have try to hurt you because they don't think you have any worth or value. They may have  try to steal away your dream, and and joy by discrediting you, and treating you as weak and small in the eyes of the world. But God will frustrate and disappoint them by turning things around in your life suddenly: because you are CALLED, CHOSEN AND APPOINTED by the Sovereign LORD. For it is written, "You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain...." John 15:16. Therefore child of God, know that you are of great worth to God, you are not j




Add caption WHEN GOD IS        YOUR            SOURCE Psalm 84:11, says: “No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.” At the time when I and my family were going through some very difficult time, a period when all hopes was lost, and all was gloomy it seemed as though God has forgotten us and that God does not give good things to His children.  But in the midst of it all, we never lose our trust in God, we continued to ask of Him in prayers that our situation may change and He did not disappoint us. We made Him our source of supply for every need, we trusted Him for every detail of our life and we are still doing that till date. This is because we have come to know that God gives the best and His gifts has eternal value and anything the world didn't give you, it can't take from you. But whatever the world gives you does not have eternal value and it can be taken away. Thus we made God our source. Beloved, you also can do the same, let God be your sour
GOD HAS A PURPOSE Through God’s Word, we are made to understand that “There is a purpose to every thing under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1). In order words, there is a purpose for the existence of all created things on earth, and not just for the created things on earth, but also for the things created in heaven. Thus, there is a purpose to life. It’s important that we understand purpose and how it is applicable to us.  Without a purpose, life is meaningless, hopeless, insignificant, and worthless. The epitome of life is purpose. What justifies life is purpose. What gives real meaning to life is purpose. What drives life is purpose. You are created for a purpose, thus you need to live out your purpose that you may be fulfilled.
GOD’S FAVOR IS FOR LIFE  “For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” Psalms 30:5 When you find favor with GOD. Special things, good things and super natural things, will start to happen and continue to happen in your life because his favor is eternal He who walks in favour ceases to struggle. He or she has the benefit of success, they have an advantage. Just a second in God’s Supernatural, Unusual, Uncommon, Inexplicable Favor, can turn things totally around for you. He will turn bad things to good, rejection to acceptance, shame to honor.Yes he turns everything wrong to right, he turns it around and make it benefit you You have been empowered with God’s Lifetime Favor, therefore you don’t have to fear life, nor your future for your future is full of great magnitude of God’s blessings and all possibilities. “The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He


ABUNDANTLY SATISFIED Elizabeth Iyadi Abaye “….They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Thy house and you shall make them drink of the river of your pleasure” Psalm 36:8. This scripture is talking to a particular set of people not to everybody, for God’s blessings of grace is for His heritage, His church, and His people. Thus those who are to be “abundantly satisfied with the fatness of His house” are the saints, those who have embraced the Lord Jesus. They are those who hold forth the word of truth uncompromisingly. They are the people that put their total trust in the Lord. In our heavenly father’s house there are abundance, yes! There are more than enough for everyone. He has provision for all His children; none is to lack anything good.  Those who learn to depend on, rely on, lean on, or put their trust in Him also share in the provision laid up therein. God wants the best for us thus he gives us the best, “the fatness of His house”. He abundan